Wiveliscombe Horticultural Society

President: Bernadette Rowe 

Chairperson: Kirsty Boutflower 

Vice Chairperson: Cheryl Kirk 

Hon Secretary: Lisa Higgins 

Honorary Treasurer: Andrew Wackett 

Website designer and IT support: Ross Jennings & Matt Davis


Shirley Binding

Peter Leach

David Pearce

April Darch

Mark Rayson

Aggie Pinney

Rose Gale

Joan Pearce

Helena Trump

Lily McIntosh

Rosemary Jones

Eileen McHardy

Mandy Lockyer

Bill Rayson

Sylvia Cottrell

If you would like to support Wivey Show this year as a Vice President, 

please contact Cheryl Kirk - cherylkirk1951@gmail.com

Thanks also to John Cooke for his support and the software used for the show.

Meet The Team

I somehow ended up as Chairman after standing up at an AGM with a few ideas!

Really pleased to have been involved with moving the Show back to its original home at the Rec.

I have a competitive streak and grew up on a diet of local shows on the Welsh border enjoying nothing more than making animals out of vegetables! I have been a huge supporter of Wivey Show since I moved here and have been lucky to win several cups for cookery and photography.

My name is Aggie Pinney l have lived back here in Wiveliscombe having been living in Cornwall for 6 years. I started my business quickly on my return which is to travel nationwide recovering clients from big operations to get them back on their feet. I also do respite for family members who look after their loved ones and end of life.

I have family of a husband and two children and now I’m a grandmother to two cheeky monkeys. You will see me walking around the town with my three dogs two Labradors and a mini dachshund.

I have lived in Church Street, Wiveliscombe for nearly 30 years.

I have worked at our surgery for about 16 years.

I love being part of the community of Wiveliscombe and have so enjoyed being part of the Show and helping to make it a Summer highlight in our wonderful town.  

I have mainly taken responsibility for making the activities outside of the Show tents, and they seem to have been popular with children and adults alike. All my games are made from recycled materials and therefore costs are very low.  The signs are also homemade and we have tried to give our Show a personal touch.

I have always taken part in Village Shows and always looked forward to them as a child and have never forgotten the excitement if you were lucky enough to get a prize.  

I just hope you will support us by being there and having a go!  It’s fun!

When I lived in Milverton I was very involved in the Garden Club there. I really enjoyed being a Committee Member and I entered a class of 6 and 7 year old School Children in the Flower Shows for many years. 

 I have not got the same energy now but after moving to Wiveliscombe in 2019 I joined the Wiveliscombe Horticultural Society and have continued my interest and enjoy helping at the Flower Shows. 

I joined the WI and am also a Committee member of the Community Centre. Luckily this happened before the first Covid lockdown.I also enjoy social activities in the town and have met many people.

Hi, I'm Lisa, and I've lived in Wiveliscombe all my life. I am married and have 2 children.

I visited the show many times during my childhood, but never did I think I'd be helping to organise the show for so many to enjoy. It all started one fateful morning whilst walking my children to school. I was asked by a previous committee member whether I might have a look at the existing children's section and update it to make it more relevant. I was more than happy to oblige. Little did I know, later that year, when the schedule was published, my name was to appear on the committee list!! From there, I have progressed up the ranks to secretary. I love giving my bit back to the community I have grown up in and would encourage others to join us. Granted, it is hard work, but when you see everyone attending with big smiles on their faces, it really makes it all worthwhile.

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